Thursday, March 28, 2013

WARNING AWARENESS Have You Gotten Tested Lately

Not to keep you long on the subject cause this too will be covered in my show, I just feel the need to bring forth this subject to the light. It's Millions of Individuals walking around with STD's & most of them don't even know it because truth be told. Not everybody shows symptoms ( EVER!!! ) & Like so many people, I knew, and or knew wouldn't go to the doctor unless something actually happened, and by then not always it was already to late. It's so easy to catch a STD from another. There are so many individuals not educated on STD's & how are they are contracted plus the damage they can do to the body the longer they go untreated. If you are sexually active in any way. Sex, Oral, or even Sharing Needles. Take the proper steps to ensure your safety because even though most STD's can be cured. It's a lot that can't. GET TESTED EVERY SIX MONTHS FOR EVERYTHING A FEELING IS NOT WORTH YOUR LIFE IF NOT LEARN TO MASTERBATE A LOT MORE CAUSE THE THE SAFEST WHY TO BE STD FREE

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