Using me as a lab rat to experiment on my vital organs. Unknowingly of what makes this young artist gears turn. Such devine craftsmanship inside the heart of a metal interior. How does one obtain such a remarkable device. Hell wouldn't know and you not unscrewing me to investigate the possible
Thursday, March 28, 2013
WARNING AWARENESS Have You Gotten Tested Lately
Not to keep you long on the subject cause this too will be covered in my show, I just feel the need to bring forth this subject to the light. It's Millions of Individuals walking around with STD's & most of them don't even know it because truth be told. Not everybody shows symptoms ( EVER!!! ) & Like so many people, I knew, and or knew wouldn't go to the doctor unless something actually happened, and by then not always it was already to late. It's so easy to catch a STD from another. There are so many individuals not educated on STD's & how are they are contracted plus the damage they can do to the body the longer they go untreated. If you are sexually active in any way. Sex, Oral, or even Sharing Needles. Take the proper steps to ensure your safety because even though most STD's can be cured. It's a lot that can't. GET TESTED EVERY SIX MONTHS FOR EVERYTHING A FEELING IS NOT WORTH YOUR LIFE IF NOT LEARN TO MASTERBATE A LOT MORE CAUSE THE THE SAFEST WHY TO BE STD FREE
Abuse Me Not
Abuse Me Not
Unlike a few individuals, I know & have been friends with in the past have dealt with some sort of an abusive relationship, and friendship in which the friendship part. People seem to think that you can’t have one of those, but we tend to look at the more physical side of things rather than the mental that can lead up to physical damage. Case in point I’ve been physically abused by friends. Well sorry those people weren’t my friends, I found out later on in life, and my that time the damage was already done, and of course you left hurt, and all types of shit like. Prolly blaming yourself for the mishap, but some people believe it, or not come into your life to make your life miserable just on the count that their life is fucked up. Those you have to watch, I mean, I can’t sit here, and give you but so much. You really have to have that ability to be able to see threw the mask of deception upon introduction because just like Maya Angelou said “If Someone Shows You Who They Are Believe Them” & that’s clearly a true statement, but nobody’s perfect, I guess I’ve always had that no how, but blocked some of the shit out because, I just wanted the them to be different, and I could change them eventually, but let’s face the facts you can’t change nobody unless they want to be change, I wanted to do this post yesterday, I overheard a woman explain to someone that her, and her boyfriend got into a heated situation, and the ending result was it got physical, and the proof was on her, and of course he was nowhere in sight, I wanted at that point so bad to give her my opinion, but I stayed out of it because some people no matter what you say to them for the greater good of their well being they blind to the fact, and with me writing it here. Maybe somebody going through the same thing can benefit from it, and think about their life because in a rage of violence another life is ended. We all know that the violence can stem from any number of reasons that raises a question we always ask…. WHY??? A sense of empowerment, I get mad enough to enforce physical pain. In the end she wanted to know what to do. Should, I or shouldn’t, I maybe I can’t bring myself to hurt the man that did this to me, but what if this happens again, and you’re not so lucky to live to tell about, I seen, and heard about so many horror stories cause someone enraged lost control. Let’s be smart about oneself, and end it for the sake of yourself.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Gay For Pay REALLY ????
First off, I will cover this as well in my live Broadcast on my Show, but for now, I will give you my statement on this, I have dealt with a many of men, and trust, and believe a true straight man will not ever sell his soul to the devil in that way. For those who believe in such, are just as stupid. My thing is this there is no such thing as turning anybody out. If anything you help them, or force them to deal with what was already within. Meaning for the slow. They already had those feelings intact, and not all act on them even in a lifetime because this goes back to what I've said in the past. Not everybody is built for what most can handle with ease, and even most of them still find it hard to life a life remaining true through out, I just know the name alone Gay For Pay Draws a Audience in since a Mast % of Gays Love Straight Men, would Prefer them over those already in the life, but I won't keep you long because I said I would cover this in my show, but no this Straight is Straight Bi is Bi, and Bi Curious are WHAT????
Newly Porn Star Mike Mann & Trey Songz Half Brother Forrest Tucker Nudes
I usually don't even feature post like this, and just to let you know my Blog is not going to be Rated XXX Because Individuals of all kind Straight, Gay, Bi Etc.. Male & Female come, and read, and or view what I have to say. However, I can give you the option to Google the XXX Rated Version, and that way all is not lost. Anyway getting to the point, I been following this Model for a while ever since, I seen his pictures online, I didn't know who he was until, I did a little Digging on Mr. Fitzgerald Scott Google him, I recommend it the Nigga is Blessed in more ways then one, and to me just a bit he Favors Chris Brown. Now pictures are one thing, but he seem to have grown tired of them, and decided to travel to the dark side from which people call gay for pay, I will cover that in another post, but I'm not complaining, but what, I will state is that his lack of interest, and this seems to be what everybody is talking about in the current videos, I've seen them all & yes they are rather boring, but seems to me like he himself has no say so in the matter. Otherwise he would give the audience more of himself regardless if he's into it, or not..... Next Trey Songz has a half Brother Forrest Tucker that to me looks waaay the fuck better, and has a waaaay better body. Not taking anything away from Trey but this is where, I see fit. So apparently he has fallen victim to a nude picture leak, and I know we might have all wanted it to be Trey, but if his dick is anything like his brothers yal in for a real treat I've already saved the picture, and he is on point trust, and believe, but like I said Google them both, and you will see. Until then here's a few Normal Pics...
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Updates Pleaze 3/26/12
Just when you though that it couldn't get no better, I will be bring you live post on my YouTube Channel Ask August'Lamarr on what, I post some individuals would rather view, and hear the topic instead of read it, or maybe they just don't have time, I would like to have just as many view my Blog as my Show, but lets be realistic even my Fiance doesn't always like to read, and it's not that he doesn't support what, I do because he does. Sometimes he would rather watch you feel me, and others are no different. So in the months to come, I will bring you live Q & A from my channel about random topics... Stay Tooned
Don't be Fooled By What You Think Your Lying Eyez Sea
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On homosexuality and hip-hop: “It’s 2013, and it’s a shame that, to this day, that topic still gets people all excited. It’s crazy. And it makes me upset that this topic even matters when it comes to hip-hop, because it makes it seem like everybody in hip-hop is small-minded or stupid—and that’s not the case. We’ve got people like Jay-Z. We’ve got people like Kanye. We’ve got people like me. We’re all prime examples of people who don’t think like that. I treat everybody equal, and so I want to be sure that my listeners and my followers do the same if they’re gonna represent me.”.... August'Lamarr Thoughts- This is why ASAP Rocky is well respected, I mean I have nothing but the up most love, and respect for him, and he cute, and his music in hot, plus he's clearly intelligent. What more is to say
Monday, March 25, 2013
Anal Eazy Advice By August'Lamarr ( Male & Female )
Individuals have ask me this for as far back as, I can remember, and I do however would want to keep it 100% ( REAL ) Taking anything Anally for the first time is nothing pleasant, but with proper care, and you're sure this is something your ass was built for, and just aren't dicking around with then you by all means can master the technique. For me, I knew that, I wanted to do this without a dout, and that's just how it was, and just like everybody else, I had to adjust, and my ass had to get use to taking dick like that. Instead of other places with ease, but since, I can answer all this in one short setting. These are only my pointers for the inexperience first timers. 1st- Make sure your ass hole inside, and out is clean. Nobody want no shitty deal okay, and the cleaning method, I use is a enema. Don't use the stuff it comes with because it's not nearly as effective as just using warm water. Not soap as it can irritate the walls. Use until you fell pressure release, and repeat until water runs clear, and do it a few more times after that. Some show no mercy, and you don't want anything to fall victim cause you left it behind. 2nd- Make sure you're in a position where your muscles aren't to tight, and you have control of how much is inserted inside you at least for the first time, I mean some never experience this so they don't understand that this is in fact painful in the beginning stages. Examples ( Riding, Laying on your Back ) 3rd- Should have been number 2, but it's still here. Goes as slow as possible because you have to understand that even though the anal is some what like elastic it can be ripped with way to much force. You have what I call the first barrier, and then the 2nd, and that's the one that will be the most painful, but with time it will subside, and you will know from the first time. If you made it threw to that this is something that you will continue doing, but for some they can't take it, but in my opinion if you can give force. You should be able to take it as well, and that's just it. Afterwards soak yourself. You going to need it, and you could be soar for a few hours. Don't worry. Like, I said with anything else your body has to get use to it, and if you didn't have a great experience meaning it should be Pleasurable Pain, and not just pain than you might have had a Motha Fucka that didn't know what they was doing. I'm sure this will help anybody out. Male or Female... FEEL FREE TO COMMENT
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Woman shames cheating husband on billboard
Holy heartbreak — this scorned woman got serious revenge.
Apparently, a North Carolina woman was so outraged by her husband's infidelity, she decided to broadcast it via a billboard on a busy street in Greensboro, N.C.
August'Lamarr- Now this was to funny. All well in Slutsvillah .....
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Why the Steubenville rape case should be a wake-up call for young black men
By Mychal Denzel Smith ...There was video evidence of the assault that took place in Steubenville, Ohio last August, yet observers of the case from near and far were still surprised yesterday when Trent Mays and Ma’lik Richmond were found guilty of rape by a judge in the rape a 16-year-old girl.
The two high school football players sobbed uncontrollably as Judge Thomas Lipps told them his verdicts, and while they’ll always have their defenders, a great many people were relieved that the courts ruled the way they did. Still, that there was ever any doubt speaks to the sad of state of affairs when it comes to handling rape in this society.
The details of the assault are disturbing to anyone with a half a conscience. The heavily-intoxicated girl was carried from home to home, party to party, presumably passed out when she wasn’t vomiting, while Richmond and Mays, seeing no cause for concern, penetrated her with their fingers and a teammate captured the assault on a camera phone. She was taken to a basement, where the assault continued and more pictures were taken, while other party goers and bystanders did nothing.
The 16-year-old victim was unaware of what happened to her the next day, and it wasn’t until the pictures and video made the rounds on social media that she realized she had been raped that night.
It would seem a clear-cut case, as she was at no point in a position to consent to any activity, let alone sexual activity, and Mays and Richmond clearly violated her. Yet the defense attorneys still argued that because she made the decision to drink heavily and never “affirmatively” said no, she consented to sex. Also consider that high school football is king in the economically-depressed town of Steubenville and the players are generally treated as royalty. In a text message, Mays says head coach Reno Saccoccia was joking about the incident and that the coach “took care of it for us.”
What’s most disturbing about this whole case is just how ordinary it is. This wasn’t an aberration, the result of some particularly vile and demented boys deciding to rape a young girl. Rape like this is far more common than we care to admit. This is what a culture of toxic masculinity, as Jaclyn Friedman described it in The American Prospect, produces. From an early age, we teach young boys that girls/women are prizes, trophies to be obtained as the result of some kind of heroism or achievement. They learn they’re owed the sexual attention of girls by virtue of their being born male.
They are taught “no means no,” except that sometimes girls say “no” when they really mean “yes” because they’re afraid to come across as “easy,” so all they need is some persuasion. They’re taught to be aggressive in pursuing a potential conquest because that’s what women really want. And when they take that messaging to its logical, immoral and illegal conclusion, someone tries to “take care of it” for them. The girl/woman in question has her behavior dissected, as she’s blamed for the violation of her body. The boys are told they’re wrong for taking pictures.
As punishment, Mays and Richmond will go away to a juvenile detention center for at least a year. When they’re released, they may have to register as sex offenders. The lives they previously envisioned for themselves no longer exist. In a perfect world, this would send a message to other boys that rape is unacceptable, that only yes means yes, and women’s bodies are their own.
But what’s the punishment for a society that, even after this guilty verdict, will likely continue to enable rapists? What of those who stood by and allowed this to happen? Who punishes the photographers? Who teaches the kids that weren’t sure what they were witnessing was rape? Who chastises those who watched the video of a sexual assault and laughed?
Because it’s easy to write this off as an isolated incident, the result of the actions of a few savage adolescents. But to do so is to deny that these boys are products of a culture that in myriad ways has told them this was not only acceptable but expected of them. While Mays and Richmond are locked away trying to learn their lesson, the rest of us would be prudent to do the same...... August'Lamarr Thought's-.... I totally agree, I mean as I spoke a little about it in my last post, I have no sympathy for them because of the act itself. You can't do everything in life you chose to do just because you feel you can. What gave you that right in the first place, The Judge had no mercy, and as worse as it got it could of been a whole lot worse. Lets just hope that in light of them they realized a valuable lesson.....
Two teens found guilty in Ohio rape case
I was talking about this a little to my husband last night along with the 16 year old murder case. Another accident involving the youth. This is really getting to be a more common thing for the teens to feel free to throw their lives completely away. In regards to the story being so long, I copied, and pasted some parts making it shorter, but feel free to Google it, and get the full story.
(CNN) -- Two high school football players were convicted Sunday in an Ohio rape case that gained worldwide attention through, and then focused on, social media.
In a trial that divided the football-crazed Rust Belt town of Steubenville, Trent Mays, 17, and Ma'lik Richmond, 16, were found guilty of raping a drunk 16-year-old girl.
The case attracted the attention of bloggers -- and even the loosely organized hacking group, Anonymous -- who questioned everything from the behavior of the football team to the integrity of the investigation.
Judge Thomas Lipps announced his decision after reviewing evidence presented over four days of testimony in the case against Mays and Richmond, who were tried as juveniles....
Mays was sentenced to a minimum of two years in a juvenile correctional facility. Richmond was sentenced to a minimum of one year, but like Mays, he could be in detention until he is 21.
The Department of Youth Services will rule whether the two boys will be detained longer, Lipps said, adding it will depend on their behavior and rehabilitation.
The two will be required to register as sex offenders and undergo treatment while in detention. Lipps said he would postpone a hearing into which sexual offender registration category they will be classified until the end of their incarceration.
Mays and Richmond, who will be credited for the time they served before the trial, were also ordered to stay away from the victim until they are 21.
Richmond's father told CNN that his son was doing OK.
"I told Ma'lik to put all his trust in God. God will see him through this," Nate Richmond said. "I told him that I love him, basically. And to be strong."
In court, Ma'lik Richmond apologized before breaking down in tears.
"I had no intention to do anything like that," he said. "And I'm sorry to put you guys through this."
Mays apologized to the families involved.....
August'Lamarr-... It's a lot more to the story, but my take on all of this, I don't feel sorry for etha of them, I mean lets be real about this, and it's no way I would have been the mother, and or father in the court room in shame, and embarrassment. Specially if as a Parent I did all I could do in raising my children the right way. True sometimes no matter the efforts. Things will still go a stray, but this is two cases where a night of fun for them turn into now a life time of Pain, and Regrets. It won't be the first, and it damn sure wont be the last. We have to be smarter then this.
Caleb Gordley 16 Years Old Killed In A Mistaken Identity
A 16-year-old boy in Sterling, Va., was shot and killed by a neighbor early Sunday morning when he mistakenly entered the home of the neighbor through a back window after sneaking out to go drinking with friends.
The parents of the boy, Caleb Gordley, said their son was drunk and didn’t realize he had entered the wrong house, which is two doors down from his own and looks identical, down to the color of the carpet on the stairs.
The tragic case is yet another example of a life needlessly taken by gun violence. But the teen’s parents, Shawn and Jennea Gordley, said they forgive the shooter and do not blame that individual for what happened.
Shawn Gordley told authorities that the staircase and carpet in the home of his neighbor Donald West Wilder II looks exactly the same as the ones in his own home, so his son thought he was in his own house—particularly since they had been living in the house less than a year. Police say Wilder shot Caleb when the boy ignored his warning and climbed the staircase.
According to the parents, the boy snuck out of the house Saturday night and went drinking with friends. On the way home, Caleb’s friends apparently dropped him off at the wrong house around 2 a.m., and he thought he was sneaking back in through the rear window he had exited hours earlier.
Caleb, a junior at Park View High School, was described by his great aunt, Bonnie Terry, as a great athlete and a talented song writer who played baseball, basketball and football in school.
Police said Caleb triggered a burglar alarm in Wilder’s home that woke them up.
Wilder told police he confronted the teen on the staircase and warned him to leave, but he said he was ignored, prompting him to shoot the boy, killing him.
August'Lamarr... This is what the Mother had to say in regards....."I just want you to know I forgive you. I understand this was an accident," Jennae Gordley, the teen's mother says....My thoughts on this. It's sad, and may he rest within. You really can't say anything more because the youth will be the youth, and this is tragic, but we all know this is a world of Heart Ache, and Pain, and how we chose to live is our own fate in the end. The youth seems like now a days are living so reckless that to them it doesn't matter etha way. We have to start raising our children better then what we do. It won't save all of them, but the number would decrease some. Our children suppose to bury us. Not the other way around???
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Lil' Kim Surgeries & Bad Make-Up Artist My Take
I wasn't going to do a Post on Kim, but she has been in the media for what seem like years just based on her face alone from what they say is over the top Plastic Surgery. My thing is this & I wont stay on this topic long cause it's clearly no need. Kim is my All Time Best Female M.C. I grew up on her. She the reason back when I was 18 I went Blonde, and grab a pair of bright blue contacts. Back then nobody was doing that, and yes, I set a few trends of my own. Anyway to me all these top pictures have one thing in common, and it's been her biggest down fall for all these years as well even before the surgeries. ( KIM HAS BEEN A VICTIM OF HAVING BAD MAKE-UP ARTIST ) & I'm not by far ruling out the the Plastic Surgery I'm not but if you look and Google he pictures Her Make-Up has been HORRIBLE Do to the people she hire or her doing it herself. She has some wonderful pictures when you can tell that the person who did it really had he best interest at heart. I'm just saying the few pictures on top look at them, and now look at these....
You can tell these were done by somebody that knew how to do the dam thing. So while yal blaming her surgery. Check her Make-Up Artist and Fire them Fuckers. Here's a picture before it all went down. Everybody misses this look but we have the right to do what we will to ourselves. Always remember that. So yal mean to tell me that instead of being remembered for paving the way. She will be remembered for all her Plastic Surgeries. The world is FUCKED UP
Monday, March 18, 2013
Updates 3/18/12 The Grey Error
It's funny to me how everybody wants to be included in my relationship as of date, but that's the world & I honestly take full R.B for having some of them in my business, I learned a valuable lesson in this situation. Keep yours to yourself. However all is not lost The Grey Error... My new script will give you all you should know, and prolly some you shouldn't, but don't get anything twisted with me. Even though it will cover some actual facts. None will be confirmed by which by me. That's for us to know, and you to be left wondering did it really happen. My relationship is not public by far, and what you have seen. You got lucky in doing so. I'm just a Woman trying to make it. With that said... The Grey Error will be out sometime this fall so be on the look out for it.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Bratz Are My Dolls Of Choice
I tried the Monster High Dolls & I have a few, but they are true Collectables. In my eyes those dolls aren't durable enough to play with, and have a nice time with like playing house, and things like that, I've had some amazing dolls from back in the day that, I should have kept, and even though most of them are on Ebay. They are very expensive for my starving income as we speak at this moment. LOL.... However, I will obtain most of them back one day in fair, or excellent condition. The whole reason for me writing this post was to say I'm done with trying to collect the Monster High Brand those dolls are amazing, but my first LUV The Bratz out way it all for me, and they getting better, and more creative with the product, and I have started somewhat of my collection back, but I still have a few older ones. Lets see how this goes. Wish me Luck .....
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Nicki Minaj Beautifully Tone Done
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
So Easily Tainted
Before, I state my opinion on the matter at hand. Not everybody is like this, and for those who have made this bad for others, I can’t take it back. Nor will, I …. I don’t speak for those, I can only speak for August’Lamarr … That’s it & that’s all.
Noticed of Notice when a different lifestyle is at stake upon the approval of others, I don’t appreciate the back lash, I get from the wrongful problems others seem to have cause… So once upon of time, I say this because my life is my life, and you would never know the joys, and pains of my life unless you fully aware of me, but most would rather at a distance, and this is where the ignorance begins again to veer the nastiness inside such a small picture frame. Let me clarify for the less like to catch on, I had a conversation the other day that help me to realize something that I’ve already known for so many years. We as different tend to push that negativity on others in a sense. It’s not enough for it to be just ok by a select few. We push over our bounds, and end up just as we never wanted to end up. All alone. Prime example… Straight, and Gay bringing these worlds together has been a endless effort still going on to this day. Much progress has been made, but I’ve had straight men tell me that it’s so hard to be friends with a gay person because the lack of respect they have by not respecting the fact that he as a straight man crossing way beyond certain boundaries, and this has nothing to do with their always growing friendship. Now this is what happens in a lot of cases. The gay friend has a certain attraction for the straight friend for various reason. May it be because he is a good man in his eyes. He wants him sexually. He see this as another nieve way of convincing himself that the guy is sending mix signals, and he wants him in some way, shape, form, or fashion. So he always makes it his business by talking about how he’s good at sucking dick, and he can do this, this, and that which in the end results turns the straight friend off. No straight man wants to hear about those things coming from another man. Not stopping there, or realizing that this is taking place he proceeds to continue every chance he gets to find ways to lure his not so impress what so ever friend into ether being with him, or in most cases sleeping with him. Straight men already struggle with pride, and ego issues let alone wouldn’t ever want to be caught around a bunch of raging homosexuals, but to take a chance by being best friends with a gay guy, and risk it all to be stereotyped. Only to regret it all because you couldn’t respect his boundaries. He puts up with this because he loves you as his friend ( ONLY ) Hard to believe, I know but some are cut this way. So why the hell would you blow it . All scars don’t hell back the same way. Not only that, but for some it also causes confusion. Rather they want to own it, or not it does damage to the mental process. Straight men don’t want to think of themselves as anything less than a Man, and having those particular feelings of anything possible about you, or anything that looks like you would prove to be more than he could bear, and to escape it all he finds it much easier to just de friend you altogether. Now you lost the only friend that truly understood you that wasn’t like you, and honestly blinded buy your own selfishness. He did as well…. You have to give people there space to inquire on their own. Straight men have so much baggage, and if you think for one minute this could work in your favor by your means of force. Maybe all you would be is a fuck, and if you’re willing to reduce yourself to this. When in your mind you wanted this man to be so much more then he was willing to give you. Than sadly life has taught you the biggest lesson you might want to pay close attention to next time.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Rental Bitches Are You One Find Out ???
How can women be so dumb to be dick driven by a man in time or two, I seen plenty of situations where these women get suckered into a almost life long relationships by these mean that could give two high fucks about them, but let them tell it. O I feel like he love me, and then, and then. He popped babies in you like microwaved Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn, and maybe after the first two hard headed ass children, and he still running around you would have thought O damn maybe, I need to rethink this sorry ass Nigga, but once you think about how cute he is to you, and how good, or big his dick might be you soon forget about a better outlook for your kids, and nothing else seems to matter but him, I seen this also many times. When a Nigga has these Rental Bitches cause in all honest that's all you are. Even if you are long term with his kids. This Nigga Comfortable. He has a Bitch that takes care of him. Has his children. In house Pussy, and most of all you giving him all power to let this Nigga feel like you need him, and guess what he do what ever the fuck he want behind you, and sometimes in front cha. It's sad and pathetic, but in believe me not, I was a Rental Bitch to a few of these sorry Motha Fuckas. UNTIL..... THOUGH I grab some sense of life, and grab that bitch by the horn, and gave myself more credit then a easy fuck, and a downgrade to Nigga once the light shined against him. He had nothing because it was, I who held this Nigga up without a dout he owed me so much more than just his R.E.S.P.E.C.T.... So much more, but you know what I've learned though as women without the proper upbringing, and social in this world. We feel alienated, and feel we have to cling to the first piece of anything that smiles at us, or says a few things to make us feel good. O he must like me cause he always in my face. He always come to see me, and this, and that. The list my dear Watson is endless. Man is the predator, and bitch you his prey, and just like the wild kingdom. He will sit back, and plan each, and every move upon attacking the weak, and innocent, and with that after most of you bitches, and shit shortly without him. Take heed to what, I say don't let no man claim rule your world... We have the power Pussy is Power... This is August'Lamarr let me know what you think
Unfilled Void
Unfilled Void
I can’t bring myself to pretend that, I need them to be a part of my life as is. It’s never really fair because there here to be loved, and wouldn’t know the difference unless the energy was that negative. Yes animals pick up on the negative energy you give off upon them, and with that often comes a negative responds. Ky, and Hazel have been a special part of my life since they were not even five weeks old. Now almost a year old, I rather them to continue without me from this moment on. Mistake it not, I will always love cats. They are my first love as the ever so beautiful feline species, but in this new error, I won’t ever own another cat of my own because being force to give up on the two that meant the most spark a need to have something take the place, and now the guilt has torn me to make this decision…. A decision that has been lingering about for a few months. My fiancĂ© wanted to make sure that, I was okay with that decision because he knows how much, I love them, and with him loving me makes me know I’m doing the right thing by them. Maybe a part of him will miss them too. He’s not truly a cat lover, and he allow me to get them because he knew, I felt, I needed them. It’s called support. Which is what we all need. In the ending this has allowed me to see just how important my future decisions making should be. You can get a animal, and if it doesn’t work out you can ether find it a new home, or deal with the forever downfall. Like people most are stuck in their ways, and nothing can be done, but a whole shit load of patients. Not like a child in which when the time comes expected, or unexpected you can’t be like ok let’s find this baby a new home. This will never happen with me. My kids will be my life, and that’s not up for discussion. Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls, and maybe it’s time for me to hit a homerun
Thursday, March 7, 2013
August'Lamarr Astrange FACTZ
August’Lamarr Astrange
Some woman were born to just look great, but August,Lamarr was born to be great, I don’t have to sit back, and wonder what the perks of being rich would be like because just as the saying goes. The more money you make. The more problems you have. Still not the average girl some would think I’m too pretty to surround myself with Darkness, and the beautiful love for a delicate creature called a moth. Truth be told, I am just a small town country vixen that believes in the reality. Not the fiction that it carries…..
1. I don’t care to much for the whole open the door for me bit. If he’s a gentlemen he’ll know to do that automatically……
2. I could never date a guy with Hygiene issues. Some don’t find this as a potential threat, I feel sorry for those. They couldn’t possibly know any better. …..
3. Every guy should know how to respect, and treat a lady. Ignorance is a turn off… No Exceptions. …..
3. Guys should be more like Bruce Wayne…..
I really don’t have a physical type, I credit a strong personality, and a great sense of humor naturally though, I can tell when it’s put on. Not a good Auto Reference, I don’t care to much about the body just as long as it’s well kept. Eyes have to be sensual, Lips are soft, and fingernails have to be clean at all times. Always remember that being open minded is a plus, and normal is a 500% BORING.
I like a man with style, and just as much passion about what he wears as, I put into my hair, and make-up… LOL… I’m not a fan of the tight shirts, and skinny jeans anymore then a fan of low riding, I believe a man clothes represents the kind of person that he is. So if he looks like everybody else that must mean he’s a follower, and I refuse to follow a man that follows a crowd of others.
When a guy sings who cares what he looks like, I think that is the quickest way to make me forget anything bad that happen previous to the serenade, spontaneous out burst in a perfect conversation, but please don’t over do it, and it’s perfectly executed.
Just remember don’t ever let me win just because I’m a female, I feel that guys who take part in this are lame as hell, and for me it’s a even bigger insult to my intellect at know how to really kick ass. Every guy should know this.
I’m a huge fan of Moths all kinds, but my favorite is the ever so beautiful Lunar Moth. Only thing about it is they only live for seven days after sprouting so beautifully created, I only seen one in my life, and I’m waiting for my chance to meet him again some day real soon.
Reverse Betrayal
Reverse Betrayal
Miseri … STOP… I just wish to talk to you, but as I run looking back often at times, I couldn’t for he had once again entered my world of darkness. This world had no light only shades of gray. He had found me in this dream, I felt, I was safe. Nothing, but nothing was impossible here. He couldn’t believe that, I don’t feel the way he feel about me, and for that he wanted me dead, I thought once, I could have been at least maybe, I was that person once, but that once is gone, and everything, I dreamed about the storm came, and replace the water that already trickled from the beauty that my reflection often reflected, I faded into this world shortly after the escape of oneself, or maybe the escape of him. Don’t go away. This aint no fun, I mean, I mean how dumb could, I be. Even now after all of this. He couldn’t see me for now. The mist of the ghost moths suppressed him for a while, but it won’t hold him long, I would have to think of another way to release this burden that was him. O why does this hurt so sorry for this….. Mmmmmm hmmmm This is not my fault, I mean it is my fault, I have nothing to offer worth comforting, I will forever hold a place inside within it all this is …… His questions with no answers. All, I could remember was how it never was. Hear me….. Depression like lust through the tiers a broken trust. His love for me is not enough to keep me here. A sudden gust with the moths blew back the dust as, I begin to fade away. He appeared, and ask of me what, I could not…. You cry, but tell me why. In this dream you seem to have let us down, I prayed threw both our fears. Releasing myself of the fear of being without you, I don’t anymore, and in that instant with no time to think, I grabbed his throat letting the pressure apply, but in a strange turn of events. A clock appeared spinning him out of my grasp in reverse my world was now his, and I became a distance in his memory. Hell he sent me. Never to be thought of forever more.
By August’Lamarr
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The Dream, I had A Few Nights Ago
The dream I had a few nights ago was in my eyes saying to me about my current relationship, I been having some fucked up dreams for the past few weeks, but this distance has been making me feel all kinds of everything confused inside my mind, and I’m all alone, I feel in this one. The dream was based off my current fiancĂ© hunting me down threw no matter where, I went, and how far, I knew he would find me, I was in my own gothic world complete with darkness, and ghost filled moth infested, but even in my own world where, I couldn’t be killed he found away to end it al, I then awoke, I can’t help but wonder is this telling me that my relationship is also near the end soon, I have to tell this story, but right this second it’s no way, I can focus.
A 31-year old, HIV-positive man by the name of Issac Don Burks is currently priority on the national wanted list for consciously spreading the HIV virus to hundreds of women and gay men in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Police authorities are now offering at hefty $100,000 reward to anyone who has the slightest information on Issac’s current whereabouts. Issac has supposedly been purposefully spreading HIV since 2003-infecting about 200 people with the deadly virus. JS Online reports:
Spreading HIV to a partner should be a criminal offense punishable up to life in prison. Lifelong care for a young person diagnosed with HIV costs $600,000. If Burks did infect 200 people, the cost for the victims’ treatment could be more than $120 million.
According to New York City Heath Department officials, this is the first time they have seen someone deliberately trying to spread HIV to so many people. It’s important for anyone who may have injected drugs with him or had sex with him to come forward and get tested. Simply doing the math, if he did infect hundreds and they had unprotected sex or shared needles with others, that number could quickly rise to more than 1,000 people at risk...............
August'Lamarr- My thoughts on this is, I mean it goes back to taking steps protecting yourself against certain events, I mean it's tragic, but in the world we live in it's not that difficult to believe, I hope that he gets caught because he has possibly killed a lot of individuals with this bullshit, I hope like hell that people see the reports, and be seriously aware of him. Other than that what else can you do. If you believe in prayer. You might want to hope that you never had a one night stand with this man.. CLICK ON COMMENTS & LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS TURN OF EVENTS ......... Upadate he came forth and release a long drawn out Facebook statement saying that in so many words all of this was in fact false, and he don't know why would anybody make up such a thing..... Honestly if it's true or not this crazy, and whatever he done to have somebody put him on blast like this. Hopefully it will come out in the end.....
Down Low Side Effectz
This was just a topic that me, and my girlfriends were talking about one day, I didn’t get to deep, but deep enough that whomever can relate to this should be smart enough to collect the point. We also talked about more, but I mean this is what the viewers got with this one…. Regardless if its true or not my opinion remains same on the fact at hand. These things happen....... I will update this one if any other news surface....
Now before, I get into my personal opinion on this subject. Keep in mind that this was brought to me several different times, I chose not to speak on it because, I felt it had nothing to do with me, or did it. When the topic of being on the Down Low is brought up in a conversation of course in most cases Women feel they are the only ones who are victimized, but that’s only the half of it. The men on the receiving end are as well because in all reality a Down Low Brother will never give you the full satisfaction of the life you feel it should be because these are the men who are ashamed from within. They have the Wives, and Girlfriends/ Family already. You are a temporary fix in lamest terms. I’m not here to bash, but I have to say the soul purpose of me even doing this is because, I ran across a site called The Lucky Starr. Shouts out to them. It’s a Site that gives the back stories of Porn Stars, Exotic Dancers, Featured Models, and so on, and now with some of my other media sites. WorldStarHipHop, Mediatakeout, Rapup, and a few others Craiglist, I check faithfully, I do, but a few days ago, I saw this post on this dude from X-tube called Dick Suckka well, I seen a few of his videos because, I to check in on X-Tube from time to time, but in my opinion his videos seemed rather boring. The last one, I saw was recently, and I guess dude clearly never had his dick sucked like that because if it was a matter of life, and death. I’m sure you know what he would have picked. Yeah but this is where shit got real. One of his victims of the current recordings found out he was uploading the content, and beat the shit out of him. Needless to say Dick Suckka is in a coma fighting for his life at this moment. They said he even had his own website, and when he was giving a interview on his reaction if the Niggas ever got exposed by running across his videos. Basically he was like whatever, I didn’t see the interview, but this is what the Lucky Starr Posted. Was dude wrong for almost killing him, I will say this fucking with shit such as this can come at a high price if you not careful. What you think wont. It will…. Now my thing is this. Down Low Men come with a lot of BAGGAGE because they are Down Low, and Struggling as well as Juggling back, and forth. Some are more content with the double life then others. The Faggots get with them, and some of them soar straight threw cloud nine because they feel they turned them out. O, I got lucky cause he chose me to get his rocks off with. Now, I can run tell the world he get down, or this the bullshit, I’m going to make him my boyfriend. COMPLETELY RULEING OUT THAT THIS IS A DOWN LOW NIGGA… WHY??? Down Low means just that. These type of men can become extremely violent when it comes to being aired out, and if you plan on being messy you would want to know how to hold your own. If it came down to that, but that’s also a catch 22 because when you take the chance to put in the time to indulge__________ See not everybody will feel it’s important to keep your lil secret to themselves. Do, I have respect for Down Low Men. Not entirely, but at the end of the day everybody has to live their life according to his own. If being yourself. Keeping it real was that easy when it comes to knowing in your mind that you have homosexual tendencies of any kind. Even if you just enjoy the pleasures of looking, and never touching. That’s still means you Bi-Curious. Men are suppose to be just that Men, and nothing else, and the last thing they want is to classified as a Bitch of any, shape, form or fashion, but that’s the ignorance of the world. Not every Gay, Or Bi Male walks around with a Switch, or gets Fucked, but let you tell they all cater to the rainbow, and the interesting twist is that you’ on the Down Low. Undetectable to the Untrained Eye, and it makes you sick every time you see a obvious gay person out, and about because they living, and you steady suffocating. ....... ..... Lucky Star Update in Regards to the recent post this is what Diksukka had to say. Who would start such a rumor like that? I find that to be extremely sad that someone would be that miserable in their life that they would make up such a story.
At least Mr. Diksukka is alive and well to suck another dick for y'all enjoyment. I hope he got some new clients on the site behind this. Make money bitch!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Thinking of U
New story coming I haven't forgotten my viewers My views are coming, and I wont disappoint, I have something new coming in a few days until then. This is to let you all know I'm thinking of you MUAH!!!!
Friday, March 1, 2013
23-Year-Old Son Chops Mother Up Into Pieces & Poses With Decapitated Head In Front Of Mirror!
Now normally I don't click on this foolery when, I see it. Some get a rush off of insane bullshit such as this, but it goes back to what, I stated before you never know what people are up against, and just never know how twisted someone could be, I don't have that many words, but may she rest in piece. My Mom just had a Birthday yesterday turning 59, and I couldn't see my life without her at this point. Its seems that now a days a persons life is nothing because we killing for no reason, Shoes, Clothes, Money, Bullying. So you get rid of the person. Then what Huh Then What. Is your problem solved, I mean honestly. Ending result enough said. Let me know your thoughts.............. August'Lamarr
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