Saturday, February 23, 2013

Is Sex Just Sex How Far Would You Go In A Serious Relationship

Is Sex really just Sex because in the mind of August'Lamarr Astrange. When asked this question to people in a serious relationship they still would rather have certain limits. More so then that if you was just free balling around the court. Judging from my poll of individuals. Sex for most gets extremely boring, and basic after the first few months up to a year after living with the person you couldn't get enough of in the beginning. Why is this. Some would say that it's not interesting any more, and then soon follows the cheating ways of the game. They feel if they can somehow spark that interest in somebody else, and still have they cake at home. Why Not Why do men seek out other men or women seek out other women. Is it always a gay thing with them, or is it just wanting to fufill that sexual experience that they knew they couldn't feel comfortable asking you to do, and if they did you prolly wouldn't still be in the picture. So this brings me to the question how far would you go in a sexual experience with the one you so called love to satisfy the often hidden desire. What Fetish do you have that is screaming to be let out, and attacked by your love. Some love to be pissed on. Extreme for some, and even something as simple as having a foot fetish would freak a lot of individuals out that's not into that sort of sexing. So to me you would possibly lose or allow your mate to cheat on you with someone who don't mind rubbing their feet, I mean your mouth says Sex is just Sex, but in reality Physically you saying I hope he, or she don't ask me to do this or that because basic sex is boring, and to be honest what you wont do the next will, I've always wanted to experience a Golden Shower without the Golden Drinkie Plenty of Water please, but I'm just saying I haven't found the person to do it and now that I'm almost married if my husband to be wont do it then I mean its nobody you see what I'm saying. Everything else I've pretty much done, and like or etha didn't like. Done to Licking, and sucking feet myself, Threesomes, and having sex in a room full of people. Etc.. Etc... so I mean It just puzzles me how quick one will preform out of the box for a individual you don't know, and or wont see ever again rather for the person you plan to spend your life with. No wait, I believe I just answered my own question. My Opinion SEX IS NOT JUST SEX WHEN YOU HAVE LIMITS SO WHEN YOUR PARTNER LOOKS ELSE WHERE MAY IT BE THE SAME OR OPPOSITE SEX. WHAT ARE YOU REALLY DOING TO PREVENT THIS AT HOME. PLEASE YOUR MAN, OR WOMAN IF NOT THIS IS NOT THE PERSON YOU NEED TO BE WITH. JUST SAYING....... COMMENT PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THING ............ August'Lamarr Astrange

1 comment:

  1. i undersstand this fully me personally i would do anything in the bed room for mi wife i enjoy doing real nasty freakey shit#an i mean anything i rather do it with mi wife n be a faithfull man the cheat...#im freak freak


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