Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bear Backing In Porn My Views

Bare Backing in Porn was back when the Ancient Realm was invented, I mean if you was into at one point, or still is, and have done your history on not the newest Porn of the Typical Guys of Today, but way back when that's why if you try to Search & Google most of them they can't be found, and or they have become deceased for the matter, I mean some would say that when you caught up in the moment that the viewers don't want to try and figure out where the hell did you pull a condom from out of thin air in a a good storyline, but it's still some companies out there that wont do a Bareback feature. The porn of today has crossed over to the point where the viewers don't want to see anymore, or have anything to do wit the condom scenes because they want that hardcore raw footage, and all that comes with it. What we do in the privacy of our own home is now brought forth into the light so that we can make all the money, and the health of it all can be dealt with later on, but for some there is no later on being diagnosed with HIV, and amongst other things because truth be told a lot of these porn companies don't require a HIV, or any disease testing for that matter, I just thought that this was something to bring light to what I feel only because so many young individuals are up and coming in porn more, and more everyday, I see fresh faces because, I love porn that's just me, and I always see unfamiliar faces because its a steady growing company, but Bareback has become the most sort after porn to watch, and I feel that the kids seem say to themselves if I already have it, and they have it who cares it's nothing, I can do but continue to make this money, and them what happens when your life is at a stand still, and porn is no longer the benefit that you started out with because Porn Stars as well as anything else Fizzel out at some point, and when that happens most find work in other areas, but a lot die off Literally, and are never heard from again So many Porn Stars have diseases, and aren't taking steps to secure it all, but continue to spread the virus, and make money or in my eyes the money is constantly making them, and their in the end left with nothing, and for some not even their life. Its something to think about....

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