Friday, February 1, 2013

Ellah Whyte

So I decided to make yet another Rag Doll, I mean the last time, I made one it was fairly big, and took me every bit of Nine Hours none stop with just a needle, and thread my hands, and no sewing machine. Yes believe it my hands hurt shortly after, but, I was so overwhelmed with emotions because, I just recently broke up with my ex, and that's what the doll name is now. Anyway the one I'm making now is a little different because it's more of a representation of me, and what, I dream about, or my nightmares. Judging since everybody thinks its a Voodoo Doll, but I don't nor have, I ever practice Blacc Magic, and my answer to them was that it only works if you believe however this doll is not taking me this long but its not finished yet, I see a vision somewhere in my cluttered mind, and this is where, I want it to be. Now the lady ask if I was going to post it on my Facebook because she makes doll, and my work made her think of the slavery days when all then could make the dolls out of was fabric of some kind. It's becoming clear that everybody has a different opinion about the doll that I'm making as what it says to them, but nobody is actually seeing the true nature of the doll, but then I ask in what the direction am, I going. O Yeah I remember this doll is a prototype of the what the actual doll could look like if, I do what the lady said, and create my own line of dolls, I feel that since, I don't have a sewing a machine so as of right now doing these dolls by hands out of the question. Remember, I have to make the clothes, hair, eyes, etc... and all that takes time to finish. My hands are human so they hurt, I'm a writer I need all my fingers for this because if I couldn't write, I wouldn't know where, I would be at this point anyway all that to say this if you want all doll after you see the finished product than make a simple request to do more. Give me a idea of what it is you like simple, and I will spend my own twist ( SPOILER ALERT ) The doll I'm making now will make a guest appearance somewhere let me no what you think about it

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