He Pulled Up Porn
On His Phone
While We Were Fucking
Just like the title implied. After work, I walked to the lil store next to where, I work to talk to the girl that worked there, and in the mist of me telling her about a recent porno, I watched. Where this guy was fucking this girl, and in the mist of it all he grab his phone, and started watching porn. At this point she had her back turned riding him so she didn’t realize until she turned around, and saw the shit. The funny thing about this is a dude had come in the store as; I was telling her about it and said sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Typical guy to say some shit like that because he’s not the one literally on his back getting dug in and dug out. Only to have her not turned on, and she pulled that same stunt while he left humiliated, I told him that dude basically said that she didn’t turn him on enough to get him off. So to complete the scene they both were getting paid for he did the next best thing, but to me hands down that’s some disrespectful shit, I know me personally… How, I make myself out to be as a self image, I would have felt about as small as a micro mini, I bullshit you not. I’ve never had and I knock on wood with this one. Had no nigga pull some shit like this on me, I know, I would go ham I’m dead ass. Like so dead ass because for all that you could get up and get the fuck out of me and leave. Don’t tell me shit just bounce. Fuck, I look like riding you rodeo cowgirl style, and I spin around only to see you got your phone watching porn to stay turned on to get yours… Wait hold up. This Motha Fucka… Let me know what yal think
Trinidad’ Rose
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