Using me as a lab rat to experiment on my vital organs. Unknowingly of what makes this young artist gears turn. Such devine craftsmanship inside the heart of a metal interior. How does one obtain such a remarkable device. Hell wouldn't know and you not unscrewing me to investigate the possible
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Dachshund Puppy What I've Always Wanted Secretly
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Pygmy Seahorses
Its no surprise that my Favoryte Marine Life is the Beautiful Seahorse, I love all Marine life, but the love of Tinker Horses period drew me to the fact that a underwater creature such as this could live amazingly underwater resembling a tiny horse the head of course. Anyway, I was thinking of a way that, I could redo my series to include more inanimate objects. Even though, I love seahorses. The upkeep top me to have them live is expensive, and if they were to keep dying, I would be heart broken. So until, I do enough research about the upkeep of the beautiful horses, I rather not start anything right now, but getting back to the Pygmy Seahorse. Its consider the smallest of the seahorse species with the maximal length of 2.4 CM- Less then a Inch. That's pretty small, and the unique color patterns to some it looked rather fake Sort of like a cartoon, but then again to me that's most marine life once you get to the deep below. The ocean is amazing, and I will bring you my stories of the Pygmy Seahorse but for now. Here's a few pictures
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Updates Rap Video/Commercial Coming Soon
Yes me ( RAPPING ) I KNOW THAT'S WHAT I SAID LOL, But in order to appeal to a greater audience I have to show my talents in all areas. Granted, I'm a Writer, Poet, Artist, and then some, but I want to give and be able to deliver that on camera no my show coming out to YouTube this fall is not enough. It has to be more because no you never can do enough, and this video will show more of my creative said threw mini clips of me wrapping in a Crazy, but sexy ass video, and I swear nobody will be hurt in the making of this video lol hints to the individuals that will be a part of it... So be on the look out for that.. Thank You August'Lamarr
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Is Sex Just Sex How Far Would You Go In A Serious Relationship
Is Sex really just Sex because in the mind of August'Lamarr Astrange. When asked this question to people in a serious relationship they still would rather have certain limits. More so then that if you was just free balling around the court. Judging from my poll of individuals. Sex for most gets extremely boring, and basic after the first few months up to a year after living with the person you couldn't get enough of in the beginning. Why is this. Some would say that it's not interesting any more, and then soon follows the cheating ways of the game. They feel if they can somehow spark that interest in somebody else, and still have they cake at home. Why Not Why do men seek out other men or women seek out other women. Is it always a gay thing with them, or is it just wanting to fufill that sexual experience that they knew they couldn't feel comfortable asking you to do, and if they did you prolly wouldn't still be in the picture. So this brings me to the question how far would you go in a sexual experience with the one you so called love to satisfy the often hidden desire. What Fetish do you have that is screaming to be let out, and attacked by your love. Some love to be pissed on. Extreme for some, and even something as simple as having a foot fetish would freak a lot of individuals out that's not into that sort of sexing. So to me you would possibly lose or allow your mate to cheat on you with someone who don't mind rubbing their feet, I mean your mouth says Sex is just Sex, but in reality Physically you saying I hope he, or she don't ask me to do this or that because basic sex is boring, and to be honest what you wont do the next will, I've always wanted to experience a Golden Shower without the Golden Drinkie Plenty of Water please, but I'm just saying I haven't found the person to do it and now that I'm almost married if my husband to be wont do it then I mean its nobody you see what I'm saying. Everything else I've pretty much done, and like or etha didn't like. Done to Licking, and sucking feet myself, Threesomes, and having sex in a room full of people. Etc.. Etc... so I mean It just puzzles me how quick one will preform out of the box for a individual you don't know, and or wont see ever again rather for the person you plan to spend your life with. No wait, I believe I just answered my own question. My Opinion SEX IS NOT JUST SEX WHEN YOU HAVE LIMITS SO WHEN YOUR PARTNER LOOKS ELSE WHERE MAY IT BE THE SAME OR OPPOSITE SEX. WHAT ARE YOU REALLY DOING TO PREVENT THIS AT HOME. PLEASE YOUR MAN, OR WOMAN IF NOT THIS IS NOT THE PERSON YOU NEED TO BE WITH. JUST SAYING....... COMMENT PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THING ............ August'Lamarr Astrange
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Bear Backing In Porn My Views
Bare Backing in Porn was back when the Ancient Realm was invented, I mean if you was into at one point, or still is, and have done your history on not the newest Porn of the Typical Guys of Today, but way back when that's why if you try to Search & Google most of them they can't be found, and or they have become deceased for the matter, I mean some would say that when you caught up in the moment that the viewers don't want to try and figure out where the hell did you pull a condom from out of thin air in a a good storyline, but it's still some companies out there that wont do a Bareback feature. The porn of today has crossed over to the point where the viewers don't want to see anymore, or have anything to do wit the condom scenes because they want that hardcore raw footage, and all that comes with it. What we do in the privacy of our own home is now brought forth into the light so that we can make all the money, and the health of it all can be dealt with later on, but for some there is no later on being diagnosed with HIV, and amongst other things because truth be told a lot of these porn companies don't require a HIV, or any disease testing for that matter, I just thought that this was something to bring light to what I feel only because so many young individuals are up and coming in porn more, and more everyday, I see fresh faces because, I love porn that's just me, and I always see unfamiliar faces because its a steady growing company, but Bareback has become the most sort after porn to watch, and I feel that the kids seem say to themselves if I already have it, and they have it who cares it's nothing, I can do but continue to make this money, and them what happens when your life is at a stand still, and porn is no longer the benefit that you started out with because Porn Stars as well as anything else Fizzel out at some point, and when that happens most find work in other areas, but a lot die off Literally, and are never heard from again So many Porn Stars have diseases, and aren't taking steps to secure it all, but continue to spread the virus, and make money or in my eyes the money is constantly making them, and their in the end left with nothing, and for some not even their life. Its something to think about....
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
August'Lamarr Astrange Rag Doll Line Coming Soon
I will be coming out with my very own line of August'Lamarr Astrange Rag Dolls this Fall. Yes now you can own your very own Personally Me Doll. Three different Versions to choose from, and a Exclusive Limited Edition One. So Reserve yours today. They will be on sale soon. Updates, and Pictures will be posted accordingly...
Monday, February 18, 2013
Michael Ealy Spotlight
Ky is my Cat
Sunday, February 17, 2013
My Cat/Dog Kichiro Saotome
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Bangkok Love Story Review
I was up last night trying to find a good Movie to watch on Netflix, I usually don't watch Movies, but I couldn't sleep, and I knew the sound of the typing would wake my bae up. Anyway, I ran across this Movie called Bangkok Love Story staring Chaiwat Thongsaeng and Arucha Tosawat. Now I don't fancy gay movies unless its a real deep story, I need to be captivated somehow. Like for some reason everytime, I watch Purple Rain. It's like I've seen it for the first time... This Movie was Heartfelt done to my last breath the way the directer Poj Arnon deliver the storyline was amazing. Who cares what sex this Movie was based upon it could have been two sheep it was remarkable, and it so crazy because the Movie was set in subtitles so without them, I still would be able to watch be in tuned, and still no each, and every detail of what was going on inside, and out. Matter fact I'm still waiting on a Black Film like this to come out over seas, and in countries like that... They take that risk to deliver that part, and give you that edge that have you wanting it so bad, I honestly don't like gay Movies because the S-Type it makes the population out to be, and when they deliver a story based on what a struggle is. Its always a Sissy, and not a normal person that just has the hardships within. Not everybody that is stuggling with their sexuality is Flamboyant. That's where the world is ignorant, and beyond belief, I urge anybody Gay, Straight, Etc... To watch this Movie because it's not about just being gay. It has a lot more going on with the storyline then that, and if you Judging it based on the Cover. Then you missing out on a Wonderful Storyline. You might even realize something about yourself, I did...
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Lil'Jonah The Moth
This is a simple picture of Lil'Jonah The Moth, I just created. Well actually I just finished, and did some editing in another program I don't have the software, I need just yet to crate him like this however I will not post the before picture. Let me know if you want to see more of Lil'Jonah because he will be here soon
Lil'Jonah is not the innocent Moth you think he is. He has a secret life that is crazy, I wouldn't take him lightly. How much would you like to know his story. Let me Know???
Keyshia Cole On Michell My Thoughts
(This is what Keyshia Cole Tweeted about Michell in the first place...)
( Keyshia Cole: Fuck that shit up then Beyonce! Bad bitch central #AllGirlEverything … I think I was frightened to blink for a sec. Then Michell sung and woke my ass up from my daze! She always fuckN the groove up … But hey! I love y’all too! And y’all girl is WACK and always will be! #Boss!! )
August'Lamarr Thoughts- Now granted Michell has always to me been the lasting third wheel, but some people value what she has, and or will bring to Destiny's Child, and to be honest, I brought her first album, and played to death. Anyway, I do also believe that everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but the media makes it out like celebrities should be like regular people, and voice how they feel because they are in fact quote celebrities. My thing is this Celebrities or not we all have the right to say what we want, and yes when you are a celebrity certain things mean more just because, but when Keyshia offer the chance for all of her fans to get a look at her life, and family behind the scenes. Honestly are we really surprised that she spoke her mind Beyonce is overrated but of course that wont go on record because to them I'm regular. Had I wrote that if, I was one of them, I would be all kinds of everything. Keyshia is hood, and no matter how they dress her up she to me has always been hood, and true to her roots, and that's why, I fucks with her. That's my opinion, and that's it
Monday, February 4, 2013
Lil' Jonah Rewrite Coming Soon
Some of you remember when I post pictures of this little guy during the summer. He was created by me from my android just out of pure imagination I mean he sprang from my love of moths, I was also going to give him his on series, but in life things happen, I started a small script that never saw the light of anything because, I couldn't figure out where, I wanted it to go. Nor could, I figure out what form, I wanted him to take I drew him pretty much the same very night, but slightly different so go figure, but why should my work go unnoticed Lil'Jonah deserves a second chance at a new beginning. Not everybody likes bugs but he is one you would want to meet... COMING SOON
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Random Thoughts To Share
Laying here when, I know I should be sleep trying to figure out how to rewrite my series to make it dark, and full of crazy confusion like myself. Now that would be too damn perfect. Every time, I look at my cats, I want so much for Hazel'Cocaine to give me some babies so, I can be a grand ma ma lol yeah, I know but for some odd reason she holding out on this one. Maybe I want it to much, and that's why ??? Ky on the other hand he is a piece of work, I swear he human, or something. Its funny because this whole black magic voodoo thing with my new doll I'm making. Maybe I'll____ Nal cause some of you might read this & actually be believe that, I sit at home and practice it. Even though having magical powers would be fun, but the responsibility that would follow. Hell the world so fucked up now. Just think if we could have set powers. It would be nothing more then a figment of dust, I can make all those things come to life in my series, but as far as any of it being real. I'm one of those you have to see it to know for your self, and I've never met a witch, or warlock. Well just some random thoughts, I felt like sharing with my viewers
Friday, February 1, 2013
Ellah Whyte
So I decided to make yet another Rag Doll, I mean the last time, I made one it was fairly big, and took me every bit of Nine Hours none stop with just a needle, and thread my hands, and no sewing machine. Yes believe it my hands hurt shortly after, but, I was so overwhelmed with emotions because, I just recently broke up with my ex, and that's what the doll name is now. Anyway the one I'm making now is a little different because it's more of a representation of me, and what, I dream about, or my nightmares. Judging since everybody thinks its a Voodoo Doll, but I don't nor have, I ever practice Blacc Magic, and my answer to them was that it only works if you believe however this doll is not taking me this long but its not finished yet, I see a vision somewhere in my cluttered mind, and this is where, I want it to be. Now the lady ask if I was going to post it on my Facebook because she makes doll, and my work made her think of the slavery days when all then could make the dolls out of was fabric of some kind. It's becoming clear that everybody has a different opinion about the doll that I'm making as what it says to them, but nobody is actually seeing the true nature of the doll, but then I ask in what the direction am, I going. O Yeah I remember this doll is a prototype of the what the actual doll could look like if, I do what the lady said, and create my own line of dolls, I feel that since, I don't have a sewing a machine so as of right now doing these dolls by hands out of the question. Remember, I have to make the clothes, hair, eyes, etc... and all that takes time to finish. My hands are human so they hurt, I'm a writer I need all my fingers for this because if I couldn't write, I wouldn't know where, I would be at this point anyway all that to say this if you want all doll after you see the finished product than make a simple request to do more. Give me a idea of what it is you like simple, and I will spend my own twist ( SPOILER ALERT ) The doll I'm making now will make a guest appearance somewhere let me no what you think about it
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